
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

My blended Pastel art.

MY blended Pastel art.

This pastel art I've created was made with dark Pink, light Pink, White and Black pastels. Our W.A.L.T was blending and shading using oil pastel media. My friend and I used the same colours as each others drawings turned out totally different. We were given a video to watch showing us how to create a blended drawing with a silhouette in the background, as you can see in the picture. This is a link so that you can see the video as well and possibly try this yourself Pastel Art Video. This was probably my favourite piece of art that I did this year. I enjoy working with pastels it’s amazing seeing all of the colours blend together. Please let me know if you have ever tried anything like this before and how it went for you.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Market day survey please fill it out.

This is a survey that I created for our school market day(night.) We have market days/nights to raise money for our school so that we can go on class trips. I would like as many responses as possible please. If you would like to you can comment possible ways to improve my survey. 

Webcam photos!!!

These are pictures that I took using webcam toy in these photos are me, Sahara, Summer,Lola & Tyla they are all of my friends and they have blogs so go check them out. W.A.L.T: learn how to use webcam. Me and My friends had so much fun creating these photos. A few of them didn't even know about webcam and now that they know about it they are taking some nice photos as well.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Is it Real or is it Fake?!

W.A.L.T:  tell the difference between fake and real emails. We had to do a slide show on what is real or what is fake. We had to examine a picture then give our reason weather the picture is  real or  fake. Another thing is that you have to make sure that if a pop up says for example Congratulations you won a new phone!  Usually at the bottom there will be some tiny writing and it will probably tell you more like actually you only won a box or something like that.  I worked with Tyla on the slide and we both cane up some of the same ideas and some different ideas. On some parts we had some tough times during the slide because one of us would have a different answer to the other but we figured it out.  The slide show that we had to complete made us think about what we think is a real and what is a fake image. 
Have you ever been scammed and what did you do about it?

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Netiquette poster.

This is a poster that I created about Netiquette. Sorry I spelt etiquette wrong in the poster. We were learning about what it s, Netiquette is like internet manners well that's my abbreviation of it. You should be able to tell what is from my very small poster  This poster was not to hard to make but it was fun to make as well. I think that I could add more. What do you think I should do to improve my poster?

Monday, August 19, 2019

MY Jim Dine Tool Art!

W.A.L.T draw a tool in the style of Jim Dine.
These are the steps on how to create a Jim Dine tool...
First you outline the tool in pencil then you go over it in charcoal. Next you need to use you'r charcoal and draw messy lines around the outline and smudge it so that it looks like it has a messy black outline. The last thing you need to do is draw in the details and you are done. I enjoyed doing a Jim Dine tool and I would recommend that you have a go at creating a Jim Dine tool as well.  Have you ever created any Jim Dine art or Do you have any requests for artists/art for me to do?

My Prajakta P Art

 This is an art in the inspiration of a lady called Prajakta P our W.A.L.T was to copy an artists style.  Our task was to find an artist and copy their style in charcoal.  How I did it was first I found a charcoal drawing that I liked then I used charcoal to try and imitate it but using my own object. Lastly I fixed it up and it turned out like the picture that you see on the blog now. I don't think that I copied the artist very well but I tried.  Do you know any artist like Prajakta P that I could try and do an abstract on?

My Tessellation Art!

This is my fish tessellation art in the style of M.C. Escher. The W.A.L.T  for this was to use bold out lines. Here is how I created my M.C. Escher art, so first you decide on what you'd design is like how I chose a fish. Next you need to get a small piece of card and you would need to trace out the half of the picture on the bottom side then cut it out and slide it up to the top of the piece of paper and stick it on with sticky tape and do the same on the other side so the paper. The last step is to trace your little picture on to a piece of paper ( preferably an A3 sheet) then colour in your picture and make your outlines bold. Then you can admire and re craft your  picture as much as possible.
This art was super fun and I would recommend that you give it a go because I would happily do another Tessellation. My question is, have you ever created a Tessellation Picture if so, what was your favourite part in creating it?

Friday, August 9, 2019

Me Learning how to plan a screen castify.

Today my class was learning how to plan a screencastify. A screencastify is when you can take a video of you'r learning on you'r screen, you can also take a video of you'r face but in this one  you can't see my face. So enjoy the screencastify. This took me a while because I kept getting distracted but it was sort of fun to make . Have you ever done a screencastify and what was it about? Or how can I improve the planning for this and how can I improve my script?

Thursday, August 8, 2019

THE amazing King Midas story animation.

This  week my class have been reading a story called King Midas and his golden touch and we were told to create an animation retelling the story in our own words so this is my animation I hope you like it. The steps to creating an amazing animation like this one that I created is to number one READ THE STORY or else you don't have any idea on what the story goes like then the rest is up to you. My tip is use explore to get all you'r images or else you will have to do all the copyright stuff and write who contributed what image (which in my opinion is boring so explore is much better just saying) I really enjoyed creating this animation and I would recomend that you try it you'r self. Quick question what have you created a animation about and how did you create it?

Lara and Tyla's amazing camera shot practise!!!

Today in Class we were learning how to use different camera shots and to tell the reasons of why these shots are used in film making. So that we can be ready to create our own movies later this year. This is a slide given to us bye Whaea Donna our manaiakalani leader. We had to split up into pairs to complete this slide. I paired up with my friend Tyla so that we could take pictures of each other also to do over shoulder shots and more. We used the webcam toy camera to take these pictures.It was really hard to use a Chromebook camera but we managed. This was yet another super fun cyber smart lesson and I can't wait to create a movie using some of these shots that we learnt about today. What movie have you created and have you ever used any of the camera shots that I used

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

My Gabriel Moreno portrait.

   Description: This is my Gabriel Moreno portrait that I drew. It took me around 2 weeks to create. Explanation: First we took another picture of ourselves but this time we were facing sideways. Then we drew patterns and outlined them in black vivid and the parts that couldn't be vivided they got outlined with black pen but some bits stayed in pencil.
Reflection: This picture was much easier to Finnish then my Roy Lichtenstein portrait and much funner then the Roy Lichtenstein. I would recommend that you try have a go at doing your own portrait based on you'r favourite artist.
Question: Who is you'r favourite artist? And what is you'r favourite piece of art made by that artist?

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

My Roy Lichtenstein portrait

 Description: This is my Roy Lichtenstein portrait that I have been working on it still isn't finished and probably won't be for quite a long time. Roy Lichtenstein was an american pop artist during the 1960's and we had to base our art around him. The things that we had to include were, bold outlines, colour, patterns,features and we had to be creative. 
Explanation:  First we took a photo of ourselves then we traced our face and put our pictures away for safe keeping. Next we added patterns to our traced pictures and coloured them in.
Reflection:  As you can see I haven't finished my picture like I wrote before. I think it's because  I added to much detail. 
Question:  What details would you add to make you'r picture amazing?    

Monday, July 1, 2019

Rugby League Training

Description: Every Wednesday my class have been learning how to play Rugby league with some teachers called Jim and Kelly. First we split up into,two teams, Team 1 and team 2. Then we Had 3 girls and 3 boys from each team to verse the other team that did the same. Then the left over people had to be subs. I ended up being sub first which I was OK because I didn't really know how to play that well, but I got put on in the second round so  at least I knew  the basics. Rugby league is a fun and pretty easy game My favourite position is dummy. The dummy has to be behind the person after they get tagged then the dummy has to get the ball and throw the ball to another player in the team and then the team has to try score a try. A try is basically a goal Reflection: I enjoyed playing Rugby league and I'm not the Rugby league type. At first I knew absolutely nothing about Rugby league, I know a little more about Rugby league every time we practise. One thing we could have done better was that we could have worked as a team a little bit better. Question:  What sport do you like playing? What made you like playing that sport?  

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

My Writing Purpose

W.A.L.T: Entertain the reader. For the last 4 or 5 days my class have been learning how to write for a purpose. So first we had to choose what we were writing about. I chose to write a narrative about a girl and mum who have special powers and have a very mysterious life. Then I found a picture that I liked and started writing this story, although I still haven't finished writing this story. I wan't to write a series of story's about this with all different girls with powers. What should my next girl and power be? Thanks for reading my blog and I look forward to posting sometime soon.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Visual art still life

W.A.L.T use proportion and draw an accurate outline.
Today in class we were drawing still life pictures I decided to draw a cup using a video to help me. First I drew the out line, Then I drew the handle and lastly I shaded in the spots that needed to be shaded. I drew lines to give my picture proportion but you can't really see it that well.  It took me about 17 minutes to draw this picture I hope you like it. I'm drawing another cup to see the difference.  I had lots of fun drawing this and my next drawing will be even better then the first one. Please comment ways to Improve my picture, or what you would have done differently.

Thursday, June 13, 2019


Intro: This morning my class was being taught with Donna Yates our Manaiakalani Leader.  Our W.a.l.t  was How to create a quality blog post. 

Description: A  quality blog post is a blog post with great hook in things like a catchy title, hook in (etc).

D.L.O:  A  d.l.o is is a digital learning object. My Quality blog post was made on google drive a poster google drawings. A quality blog poster had to include what made a quality blog post.

 Explanation: First I had to find out what had to be in a quality blog then I used that information and put it in my own words to make a little paragraph on how to create a quality blog post about what I'd just learnt. Secondly I had to add I a cool background. you need to add hard but not to complected text with a lot of information about the subject

Reflection: I had loads of fun learning about how to make a quality blog post poster with lots of help along the way with my friends

Question: how would you improve my quality blog poster? please comment bellow

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Pigs adventure animation

This is my pigs adventure animation that I have been working on. We are learning how to create easy animations using google slides. I have had a lot of help from my friends and teachers also I had help from Donna Yates our manaiakalani facilitator.  All you had to do was upload a background image then you place a P,N,G image ( transparent image) and add more slides, moving your character around slowly. I had great fun and wish to do it more. Please feel free to comment ways to inprove my animation.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

this is a video about me trying to do a screen castify 

Monday, April 8, 2019

cyber thing

What is one thing you are doing that is cyber safe?