
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Pigs adventure animation

This is my pigs adventure animation that I have been working on. We are learning how to create easy animations using google slides. I have had a lot of help from my friends and teachers also I had help from Donna Yates our manaiakalani facilitator.  All you had to do was upload a background image then you place a P,N,G image ( transparent image) and add more slides, moving your character around slowly. I had great fun and wish to do it more. Please feel free to comment ways to inprove my animation.


  1. that is one of the most weirdest things I've ever witnessed but good job tho ish

  2. hi lara its summer and sahara here your sild was very interesting and cool bye!!!!!

  3. hi my name is james and i really liked the pigs advavincher

  4. Hi there, my name is James and I am a student in room 9 at Gisborne Intermediate School. I really like the way you make me laugh with my friends. It made me think of me going to hunting and pig shooting. Have you thought about having less of a gap in changes between slides. If you would like to see my learning, my blog is

  5. Kia ora Lara, My name is Mihipeka and I am a year 7 student who attends Paihia School. I was reading your blog posts and they are interesting and fun to read. My favourite post you created was your animation. It is really funny. The part I really liked was the beginning when the pig was singing. What gave you the idea to do this type of animation?
    Keep up the awesome work.

  6. Kia Ora Lara, my name is Jack & I go to Paihia School. I really liked your animation. My Favourite part was when the pig got eaten by the shark and then got pooped out. What made you think of doing this kind of animation. I really liked your animation because It was really random & I could relate to it (If you want to see some of my animations here is the link, Super Mario Bros) Keep up the good work, Jack

  7. Hi Lara,
    My name is Calais and I am a year 6 student who attends Paihia School. I was watching your animation that you made about a pig and I thought it was really interesting to watch. I enjoyed the animation that you made and I like making animations do you? just have one question how was he able to go to different location in one whole DAY?

  8. Kia Ora Lara my name is Dalton from Paihia school. I liked your slide presentation about the pig. From my opinion I think that you have been doing amazing for your first time. The funnest part was when the pig was flipping into the water then the shark said yum yum yum. I also liked how you used the easter bunny looking for kids this work looks fantastic and all of the Amazing blog pots. What was your favorite part in your presentation?

  9. Hello Lara, my name is Jake and I am a student in room 9 at Gisborne Intermediate School. I really like how you made a animation on google slides. It made me think of a animation I made. Next time you could make more pictures with shorter gaps between them. It would make the animation smoother. If you would like to see my learning, my blog is

  10. Kia Ora Lara my name is Rikki-Dean I’m a Yr 7 from Paihia School. I like your animation about the pig. I like how you made the shark eat the pig and it was funny see the shark faeces floating around in the water that's the part I liked the most. I also like the part when the pigs on the sand in the shark faeces. Keep up the good work.
