
Thursday, June 13, 2019


Intro: This morning my class was being taught with Donna Yates our Manaiakalani Leader.  Our W.a.l.t  was How to create a quality blog post. 

Description: A  quality blog post is a blog post with great hook in things like a catchy title, hook in (etc).

D.L.O:  A  d.l.o is is a digital learning object. My Quality blog post was made on google drive a poster google drawings. A quality blog poster had to include what made a quality blog post.

 Explanation: First I had to find out what had to be in a quality blog then I used that information and put it in my own words to make a little paragraph on how to create a quality blog post about what I'd just learnt. Secondly I had to add I a cool background. you need to add hard but not to complected text with a lot of information about the subject

Reflection: I had loads of fun learning about how to make a quality blog post poster with lots of help along the way with my friends

Question: how would you improve my quality blog poster? please comment bellow

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