
Wednesday, July 3, 2019

My Gabriel Moreno portrait.

   Description: This is my Gabriel Moreno portrait that I drew. It took me around 2 weeks to create. Explanation: First we took another picture of ourselves but this time we were facing sideways. Then we drew patterns and outlined them in black vivid and the parts that couldn't be vivided they got outlined with black pen but some bits stayed in pencil.
Reflection: This picture was much easier to Finnish then my Roy Lichtenstein portrait and much funner then the Roy Lichtenstein. I would recommend that you try have a go at doing your own portrait based on you'r favourite artist.
Question: Who is you'r favourite artist? And what is you'r favourite piece of art made by that artist?

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

My Roy Lichtenstein portrait

 Description: This is my Roy Lichtenstein portrait that I have been working on it still isn't finished and probably won't be for quite a long time. Roy Lichtenstein was an american pop artist during the 1960's and we had to base our art around him. The things that we had to include were, bold outlines, colour, patterns,features and we had to be creative. 
Explanation:  First we took a photo of ourselves then we traced our face and put our pictures away for safe keeping. Next we added patterns to our traced pictures and coloured them in.
Reflection:  As you can see I haven't finished my picture like I wrote before. I think it's because  I added to much detail. 
Question:  What details would you add to make you'r picture amazing?    

Monday, July 1, 2019

Rugby League Training

Description: Every Wednesday my class have been learning how to play Rugby league with some teachers called Jim and Kelly. First we split up into,two teams, Team 1 and team 2. Then we Had 3 girls and 3 boys from each team to verse the other team that did the same. Then the left over people had to be subs. I ended up being sub first which I was OK because I didn't really know how to play that well, but I got put on in the second round so  at least I knew  the basics. Rugby league is a fun and pretty easy game My favourite position is dummy. The dummy has to be behind the person after they get tagged then the dummy has to get the ball and throw the ball to another player in the team and then the team has to try score a try. A try is basically a goal Reflection: I enjoyed playing Rugby league and I'm not the Rugby league type. At first I knew absolutely nothing about Rugby league, I know a little more about Rugby league every time we practise. One thing we could have done better was that we could have worked as a team a little bit better. Question:  What sport do you like playing? What made you like playing that sport?