
Friday, May 29, 2020

Pointillism Apple .

Walt- draw an apple with Pointillism.
 Explanation-  Around a week ago I  had a go at drawing a pointillism apple, in my opinion my first go was amazing. I then tried to have a go again and I couldn't even get the start right! I must have tried it around three or four times then I gave up. First time must be the charm (whatever that means.) 
Reflection-  I had so much fun attempting this and I never enjoyed Pointillism much but this may have changed my mind.  If you want to give Apple Pointillism here is the link,
Question- Have you ever attempted Pointillism? and What did you draw using Pointillism?

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Some of my quick drawings.

Please watch this slideshow full of all my drawings during quarantine. I'm very proud of them. I will show more drawings as I create more.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

still life hand drawing.

A little while ago I coloured in a picture and when I showed my dad he asked me is that a still life hand drawing. I answered no and decided to give it a try so I focused on my right hand and tried to draw it. First I drew the outline of my hand starting with my thumb then all the way to my pinkie. Then I added detail's and realized that it sort of looked like a monster hand so I added a scar and little bit of red and smudged it. This is what it looked like in the end. I don't draw freehand much sometimes  i'll copy off an image but it never looks quite the same. What other things should I try and draw.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Creative Crafts

This is a slideshow with a few crafts that have tried and would recommend that you try. More and more will be added as I try other arts and crafts. Also do you have any craft ideas for me to try.