
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

My Writing Purpose

W.A.L.T: Entertain the reader. For the last 4 or 5 days my class have been learning how to write for a purpose. So first we had to choose what we were writing about. I chose to write a narrative about a girl and mum who have special powers and have a very mysterious life. Then I found a picture that I liked and started writing this story, although I still haven't finished writing this story. I wan't to write a series of story's about this with all different girls with powers. What should my next girl and power be? Thanks for reading my blog and I look forward to posting sometime soon.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Visual art still life

W.A.L.T use proportion and draw an accurate outline.
Today in class we were drawing still life pictures I decided to draw a cup using a video to help me. First I drew the out line, Then I drew the handle and lastly I shaded in the spots that needed to be shaded. I drew lines to give my picture proportion but you can't really see it that well.  It took me about 17 minutes to draw this picture I hope you like it. I'm drawing another cup to see the difference.  I had lots of fun drawing this and my next drawing will be even better then the first one. Please comment ways to Improve my picture, or what you would have done differently.

Thursday, June 13, 2019


Intro: This morning my class was being taught with Donna Yates our Manaiakalani Leader.  Our W.a.l.t  was How to create a quality blog post. 

Description: A  quality blog post is a blog post with great hook in things like a catchy title, hook in (etc).

D.L.O:  A  d.l.o is is a digital learning object. My Quality blog post was made on google drive a poster google drawings. A quality blog poster had to include what made a quality blog post.

 Explanation: First I had to find out what had to be in a quality blog then I used that information and put it in my own words to make a little paragraph on how to create a quality blog post about what I'd just learnt. Secondly I had to add I a cool background. you need to add hard but not to complected text with a lot of information about the subject

Reflection: I had loads of fun learning about how to make a quality blog post poster with lots of help along the way with my friends

Question: how would you improve my quality blog poster? please comment bellow