
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Is it Real or is it Fake?!

W.A.L.T:  tell the difference between fake and real emails. We had to do a slide show on what is real or what is fake. We had to examine a picture then give our reason weather the picture is  real or  fake. Another thing is that you have to make sure that if a pop up says for example Congratulations you won a new phone!  Usually at the bottom there will be some tiny writing and it will probably tell you more like actually you only won a box or something like that.  I worked with Tyla on the slide and we both cane up some of the same ideas and some different ideas. On some parts we had some tough times during the slide because one of us would have a different answer to the other but we figured it out.  The slide show that we had to complete made us think about what we think is a real and what is a fake image. 
Have you ever been scammed and what did you do about it?

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Netiquette poster.

This is a poster that I created about Netiquette. Sorry I spelt etiquette wrong in the poster. We were learning about what it s, Netiquette is like internet manners well that's my abbreviation of it. You should be able to tell what is from my very small poster  This poster was not to hard to make but it was fun to make as well. I think that I could add more. What do you think I should do to improve my poster?